Friday, April 10, 2015

Railways are now carrying highly explosive Bakken crude oil, making emergency managers' jobs even tougher.

Emergency managers have been asked in recent years to do a lot more with fewer resources. That job got even tougher with the advent of oil shipments from the Bakken shale region of North Dakota via rail around the country.

Bakken is obtained by hydraulic fracking and horizontal drilling, which has increased since 2000 and can be highly explosive. And there have been several train derailments recently, including one in Lac-Megantic, Quebec, in July 2013 that killed 47 people.

In the U.S., a train carrying Bakken crude oil derailed in West Virgina on Feb. 16, 2015, sending orange flames skyward for days. There have been other derailments, and there’s concern of a scene like the one in Quebec happening in a major U.S. city, including those in Pennsylvania. A report by public sources said 1.5 million people are potentially at risk if a train carrying crude oil derails and catches fire there.

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