Monday, February 2, 2015

Sump pumps are the best defense against minor flooding and wet basements, but if a nearby river is rising or a coastal storm surge is imminent, you can’t rely on a sump dump. If your sump pump doesn’t run regularly make sure you test it. The best advice is to move your valuables to a high floor, then get out. And if there is a flash-flood warning, be quick about it. Floods move fast and carry mud, trees and everything imaginable with them. Plan an escape route ahead of time, and never drive through moving water.  Driving through standing water gets people killed. Almost 50 percent of flood fatalities are car-related. Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security by the term “100-year flood,” either. That doesn’t mean that a flood will occur only once a century. What it really means is that every single year there’s a one-in-100 chance of that level of flooding. If you live in a flood zone you’ve got a one-in-two chance of experiencing a flood in your lifetime. 



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