Saturday, February 21, 2015

 If You Are Stuck In Your Car In A Winter Storm Do You Know What To Do?

My wife and I lived in Sioux Falls, South Dakota back in the 1990’s. When it’s -25F, getting stuck in a car away from help in a snow storm is seriously business.  Here are some basic survival tips.
  • Immediately ensure that the car exhaust pipe is clear of snow so you don't get carbon monoxide poisoning.  This is one of the most obvious things but people die from it every year.
  • Unless you see a building nearby, the best thing to do is stay in your car. If you have to walk any significant distance in -25F snow storm and you don't have the proper survival gear you very likely won't make it.  
  • Conserve gas by turning the car engine off every once in a while, and then turn it back when it starts to get really cold.
  • Continue to check the tailpipe each time you turn the heater on. I can't repeat this enough times because by the time you figure out it's carbon monoxide it's too late. 
  • Do some exercises inside the car they will help keep you warm.
  • Stay hydrated.  If you don't have water in the car, melt snow. The more hydrated you are, the warmer you will be. Don’t eat snow, melt it first.
  • If you pull off to the side of the road in a snowstorm with really poor visibility, do you turn the flashers on?  When drivers can’t see they have a tendency to aim for the lights, and people have been killed this way. I tend to say that if you are well off the road; leave them off in extremely poor visibility.
Everyone should have a survival kit in their car because it can make the difference between life and death.
Shop for Survival Kits.


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