Monday, March 23, 2015

Tornado Season Is Here!

 Don't become complacent about preparing for severe weather., 3/23/2015


1. Be prepared and informed. When weather is predicted to be severe, listen to the news so you'll know if your area is at risk and when to take action. Take action before the weather gets severe, don't wait.

2. Buy a Tornado Emergency Kit and hand crank weather radio and make sure everyone knows where they are stored.
3. Talk about tornadoes with your family. Explain the warning signs since tornadoes can strike before any official warning is issued. Signs include dark, often greenish clouds, large hail, a cloud of debris; and finally a funnel cloud or a roaring noise.
4. Know the disaster plans of your children’s school or child care center.
5. Practice tornado drills with your family. Nothing drives home a preparedness plan better than drills.


1. Seek immediate shelter in the safest place you can find. The safest place in a home is the interior part of a basement. If you do not have a basement, go to an interior bathroom, closet, or hallway on the lowest floor.
2. If outside or in a mobile home, seek cover in a designated shelter or nearby sturdy building. If there is no building nearby, lie flat in a low spot, making sure it is not a drainage area that could flash flood.
3. If you have a helmet (or any hard head protection) this is the time to wear it. Wearing any kind of hard head protection can really help since tornado related head injuries are common.


1. Stay informed after a tornado strikes by continuing to listen to a radio or TV for updates. This is where the hand crank weather radio can be a real life saver.
2. Involve your children in clean-up activities if it is safe to do so. It is comforting to children to see life begin to return to normal and to have a job to do.
3. Listen to your children. Encourage them to express feelings of fear, show understanding, and offer reassurance.

Tornado Watch means that tornadoes are possible in and near the watch area. People in a watch area should review their tornado plans and be ready to act if a warning is issued or they suspect a tornado is approaching.

Tornado Warning means that a tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. People in a warning area should go immediately to their safe room. If they are in a vehicle, they should get out of the vehicle and go to shelter in a nearby sturdy building or lie flat in a low spot away from the vehicle.

Buy a Tornado Emergency Kit at


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